CHAIRMAN for 2023-2024.
Ivan Dean is the chairman of the Launceston and North East Railway for 2023-2024.
The board now has Ivan Dean as our chairman again, we are very excited and happy to have Ivan back in our group. We think that Ivan brings a much needed new point of view and a purposeful direction to this group going forward. His experience as a police officer, and in many areas of government, both local and state has been a massive advantage to our group.
Ivan Dean has also been a long-time supporter of the group and was involved with the original Railbug concept. He also gave a donation to help us build the first prototype Railbug which has been named "Ivan" as a thankyou to him for his support.
So we have Ivan Dean who was elected to the chairman role, with
Michael de Bombford as the vice chairman,
Dianne Venn (Secretary),
Ken Morey Treasurer),
and 5 Board Members: David Payne, Greg Stewart, Mark Shaw, Darren Bosworth, Brian McKenna elected to the board.
Lets hope for a great year with some amazing achievements.